Learn how to put your faith in God as we explore the choice between self-talk and listening to God in how to treat others, approach Bible study, and seek salvation.
Discover the reasons for being a Christian and the joy it brings. Explore the path to becoming a Christian and the benefits of living a Christian life.
Every human needs salvation, where does it come from, and how do we get salvation? Discover how God is the Rock of Salvation and what you can do to get it.
What can wash away my sin? Learn how the Bible, teaches that the blood of Jesus can wash us clean, and how this is God's redemptive plan for our salvation.
The Scriptures reveal two different laws for obtaining forgiveness, instructions for alien sinners outside of Christ and instructions for erring Christians.
One of the greatest stories of Christian conversion is one of a man by the name of, Simon, Simon the sorcerer. Discover what can be learned from his conversion.